Friday, May 15, 2009

I Totally Agree!!

I just got finished reading Ms. Maggie's blog on this very interesting thing the Legislature did last Tuesday. Supposedly the legislature was full of guests as they were trying to get through four very important issues that are concerning the public a lot right now: abortion, immigration, human cloning and states rights.

I totally agree with Ms. Maggie in that when issues like this are presented, the legislature should give equal time and equal attention to these. I agree with Maggie in that every one of these issues require full attention and should be given its own time to be discussed.

I just think there are things that have to be really thought and really understood before making a decision, and I don't see how they can do this successfully when they have not only one, but four of the major issues concerning Texas citizens being discussed in the same day.

Ms. Maggie presented her ideas very well and very clearly, and I have to say I agree with her in every point she made. Most importantly I agree with her in that the legislature should spend the necessary time in these issues and should give them the proper respect they deserve!

Monday, May 4, 2009

Is this right or wrong???

I was reading this article about abortion in the Austin American Statesman......I just don't agree in having the government intervene in our lives like this! I think there are lines that the government should just not cross.
I think having an abortion is a very tough decision to make, and having a law requiring to not only have an ultrasound but to hear the baby's hart beat , Ohh! that would be cruel for the woman. Luckily this bill has been modified, and if it passed, it would give woman the choice to decide if she wants ultrasound or not.
Senator Dan Patrick said "My goal was to be sure that a woman going in for an abortion has all the information she needs to make the right decision" to which Dr. Scott Spear, medical director for Planned Parenthood said that all woman having an abortion there get an ultrosound and are offered the chance to see the image.... So why the need for this bill.....The government should just live it alone and let whoever wants to have an abortion do so.
I mean I'm not saying I'm totally up for abortion, but many of this kids end up as orphans or as childs mistreated by their parents....
So government, please step out and let us have the choice!!!!

Monday, April 20, 2009

Cellphones should not be used when driving!!!

I totally agree with you in that the State of Texas should pass a law that would prohibit the use of cellphones while driving. I think is very irresponsible from people to be talking on their cellphones when driving. I can't believe some people even text when they are on the road!

It has been proven that using one's cellphone while driving causes a great distraction. So I agree with you in that drivers should only be allowed to use their cell phones if they use a hands free device. I also think it help reduce the number of accidents which in the first place are a caused by distracted drivers.

Hopefully the Texas Legislature will do something this, I think it would save lots of lives if a law like this would pass.

Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Make Higher Education Affordable!

Right now the Texas legislation is spending an important amount of this year's session time in trying to pass Voter's ID Bill...I think the Texas legislature should spend more of their time in more important issues, like creating and passing a bill that would make Higher Education more affordable for students. It is really hard to pay for college, especially at this time and with our bad economy...
I think if the legislature passed a bill where it at lower tuition fees, it would encourage more people actually try to get a degree.
I also think this bill should include a waive for college books,which are also very expensive.
It would be really nice to if we had this bill pass, it would make life way much easier than it is right now. We students would have the opportunity of focusing more on school, rather than having to work and go to school at the same time, which sometimes becomes extremely tough on us!
Just think about the benefits this legislation could bring to Texas...with more college graduates, more professionals, and more educated people....

Monday, March 30, 2009

Store Owner Shoots a Robber

Here I am, in front of my computer trying to find a blog to critique....Finally after going through many blogs I found this blog that talks about how a Houston store owner shot a man who tried to rob his store.

Supposedly there were two robbers dressed in black that came into the store and attempted to rob it. Luckily the store owner was armed and could defend him self and his property. When the two robbers saw the man had a gun they fled the business. The store owner run after them to trying to chase them but one of them fled the scene in a 90s model Ford Taurus, while the other stopped in the parking lot and turned to the owner, at that time the owner shot several times and hit the robber once. However, the robber continued to run through the parking lot and after trying to cross the street, he was hit by a car and died. There were no charges filed against the store owner.

After reading this article I have to say I totally agree with the author in that "The beauty of the Texas Castle law is that you no longer have to flee or retreat when someone threatens you or your property." Thank God we as citizens have the right to shoot somebody when they brake into our property and try to rob us. It is amazing how criminals brake into our properties and try to take away from us the things that we work so hard for. I think we as citizens have to do things like this in order to make crime stop or at least to make criminals think twice before the mess with us!

Monday, March 2, 2009

Should guns be allowed on Campus?

I really enjoyed reading this article from The Dallas Morning News, released on February 27, 2009. It is very controversial, because it talks about how a State Representative and a Senator are pushing for the legislature to pass a law that would allow students and professors to carry guns on campus.

Supposedly this would make it more safe in the case situations like the one on Virginia Tech would present. I my opinion, I personally think, this would actually make things worse. It is somewhat more terrifying knowing that many people around you are armed, rather than acknowledging the possibility that a situation like the one on Virginia Tech could happen. What if a similar situation as the one on Viginia Tech really presented, and the students and professors started shooting. Would the fact of them carrying guns make the situation better? Would it work in safing people's lives? Maybe, I don't know. But I have to agree with the author, in that, maybe when the police intervenes, they could confuse the students who are just shooting to protect their lives with the person who started the shooting, or they could be shot by the police by mistake as well.

The author clearly expresses his ideas of opposition. I think he did a great job explaining the reasons why he opposed, and I have to say, I agree with him!

Monday, February 16, 2009

Gambling In Texas....

"Horse, gambling interests lobby Texas Legislature to allow slot machines at racetracks". This is the name of an article released by the Dallas Morning News on Monday, February 16, 2009.
It is a very interesting article that talks about how some people are lobbying the Texas Legislature to pass a law that would make horse racing gambling legal in Texas. People who are pushing for this law to pass, also want to bring slot machines to the racetracks. they are hoping for this proposal to pass, and for it to be the beginning for opening more casinos in Texas.There are two Indian Reservations who are interested in reopening casinos that were shuttered by the State in 2002, and other prospective investors are interested in building resort style casinos across the State.

It just blows my mind, thinking of how this might impact the state of Texas.... how would it change it. In my opinion, I think some gambling would not hurt the State or the people living in it; I think it could help generate more revenue, which can be used to fund education for example.
Although gambling could increase the revenue of the state, there are people who oppose to this proposal. Among the major opponents are conservative Christians and major casino companies who don't want to face competition, specially at this time, and in this market.