Monday, February 16, 2009

Gambling In Texas....

"Horse, gambling interests lobby Texas Legislature to allow slot machines at racetracks". This is the name of an article released by the Dallas Morning News on Monday, February 16, 2009.
It is a very interesting article that talks about how some people are lobbying the Texas Legislature to pass a law that would make horse racing gambling legal in Texas. People who are pushing for this law to pass, also want to bring slot machines to the racetracks. they are hoping for this proposal to pass, and for it to be the beginning for opening more casinos in Texas.There are two Indian Reservations who are interested in reopening casinos that were shuttered by the State in 2002, and other prospective investors are interested in building resort style casinos across the State.

It just blows my mind, thinking of how this might impact the state of Texas.... how would it change it. In my opinion, I think some gambling would not hurt the State or the people living in it; I think it could help generate more revenue, which can be used to fund education for example.
Although gambling could increase the revenue of the state, there are people who oppose to this proposal. Among the major opponents are conservative Christians and major casino companies who don't want to face competition, specially at this time, and in this market.